Curated by O JUN “World of Bliss and Misery : Dat + ISHII Yuuka + YAMAWAKI Kosuke + O JUN” /「O JUNキュレーション展「幸福惨憺世界:Dat+石井佑果+山脇紘資+O JUN」

2024. 04. 1 / Installation View + Text


Group  Exhibition: Curated by O JUN “World of Bliss and Misery : Dat + ISHII Yuuka + YAMAWAKI Kosuke + O JUN” /「O JUNキュレーション展「幸福惨憺世界:Dat+石井佑果+山脇紘資+O JUN


Exhibition Details / 展覧会の詳細

Exhibition Text・展覧会テキスト

[Critical Text : O JUN]
Yamawaki Kousuke paints frontal views of animals’ faces. Filling out more or less the entire canvases, the fur is painted as if caressing layer upon layer, and appears in hues comparable to those of an oil film on a wet street, while the eyes are two light spots on the same level on both sides of the head. Even though each of them – be it a wolf, a goat or a bird – is painted to be recognizable as what it is, they all look equally unnatural. A painter’s technique and style, defined through a mixture of his or her feelings, ideas and actions, can be realized by way of reproducible, personified or reflective images, and the fact that such artificial and unnatural reflections and expressions also exist and work within “human” nature, is what the eyes of the animals in Yamawaki’s paintings are gazing at. I remember how I once stood in front of a painting of a goat’s head at his exhibition, and I somehow didn’t feel comfortable as I kept looking at it. It seemed to me as if the goat wasn’t looking at me, but it was looking through me. When I turned around, I noticed that there was a painting of another animal on the wall behind me. Caught in an infinity mirror of sorts and pierced by the eyes on both sides, I was unable to stay there long and therefore left the exhibition rather soon. This was probably the rare experience of someone who stepped into the trap that had been set up between the paintings and the viewer.
