The Akikusa Pattern / The Old Account Book・秋草文、大福帳和紙 2022


「The Akikusa Pattern / 秋草文」1,940×1,303 oil on wooden panel, scratched 2022

As seen in Boro* and Funzo-e*, Japanese people have converted and utilized objects that had outlived their usefulness into various objects until they physically disappeared.
This exhibition featured oil-painted scratch works with the motif of the “autumn grass pattern*,” which represents the passage of time, and a large sheet of Japanese paper with various Daifuku-cho (an old-fashioned account book) pasted on it, which was used from the Edo period to the Taisho period (1912-1926).
The values cultivated by the Japanese people and the energy (or life force) of objects over time were reconstructed through the paintings and installations.

*1 Boro: Rags of various sizes made from used cloth.
*2 Funzo-e: Clothes made by washing and purifying unwanted rags, piling them up, and sewing them together.
*3 Akikusa pattern: A traditional Japanese pattern used in numerous arts and crafts works since ancient times to symbolize nature and the flow of time.




※秋草文様 古来から自然と時の流れの象徴として数々の美術品、工芸作品に用いられた伝統的な日本の文様。
※襤褸(ぼろ) 使い古した布をツギハギした、大小様々のボロ布
※糞掃衣(ふんぞうえ) 不要になったぼろ裂を洗い清め、重ね合わせて縫い綴った袈裟